

The AddressDox Trusted platform enable us to provide you with reliable information on rural residential information that's triangulated with various data sources and validated and approved by local authorities.

Third-party Address Verification Service can help you confirm and validate your suppliers, employees and clients residential information 


The AddressDox Trusted platform enable us to provide you with reliable information on rural residential information that's triangulated with various data sources and validated and approved by local authorities.

Third-party Address Verification Service can help you confirm and validate your suppliers, employees and clients residential information 



We offer digital technology solutions across a wide range of industry sectors. Discover the key issues and drivers for your industry sector as well as the service delivery requirement, standards and technology solutions to address those challenges.

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Public Sector & Goverment

Organizations in local government, Traditional Leadership and public service

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisi.

Consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus, praesentium?

Provident consectetur natus voluptatem quis tenetur sed beatae eius sint.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisi.

Consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus, praesentium?

Provident consectetur natus voluptatem quis tenetur sed beatae eius sint.

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Card Background Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisi.

Consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus, praesentium?

Provident consectetur natus voluptatem quis tenetur sed beatae eius sint.

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available

have suffered alteration in some form

Rural Address Information 

Are you living in a rural area or informal settlement? Obtaining a proof of residence (proof of address) may be difficult because you need a letter from a local tribal office or ward councillor. AddressDox has you covered. Register on this platform and you don't have to worry about Proof of Residence again.

Data Privacy & Security

At AddressDox, we take data privacy and security seriously. We use blockchain technology to secure data stored in our platforms and ensure the highest level of compliance with Data Privacy regulation. Your personal information is secure and protected with us. Only you have access to your address information.

API Integration

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour

Cost Effective

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour


Manage your risk of inaccurate address information in rural areas.